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Class Gifts

2013 Reunions

Support your alma mater while participating in a friendly class competition based on the highest percentage of giving and largest class gift total. Those classes who achieve the highest percentage of graduates participating and the most funds contributed will be recognized in an LSUHSC School of Dentistry ENews online publication, on the school's website and on Alumni Day, Friday, September 19, 2014.

All gifts and pledges committed to the school from January 1 to December 31, 2013—to any department, program or project—will be included in the class gift totals. Although you can contribute to whatever you choose, this year's campaign is focused on rebuilding the student pre-clinical laboratories on the 7th floor of the E.E. Jeansonne Clinic Building. Every $15,000 raised entitles the class to name a student unit in the lab in honor of their class.


Class of 1973
Participation: 20% (5 of 25)
Total Gifts: $6,450
Total Committed to Lab: $6450
Class of 1978
Participation: 17.4% (15 of 86)
Total Gifts: $101,625
Total Committed to Lab: $16,500
Class of 1983
Participation: 65.9% (60 of 91)
Total Gifts: $61,875.31
Total Committed to Lab: $50,500

Class of 1988
Participation: 4% (2 of 49)
Total Gifts: $1333.32
Total Committed to Lab: $0
Class of 1993
Participation: 14.3% (6 of 42)
Total Gifts: $18,050
Total Committed to Lab: $250
Class of 1998
Participation: 10% (5 of 50)
Total Gifts: $24,600
Total Committed to Lab: $6,100

Class of 2003
Participation: 3.7% (2 of 55)
Total Gifts: $3,000
Total Committed to Lab: $3,000
Class of 2008
Participation: 0% (0 of 58)
Total Gifts: $0
Total Committed to Lab: $0


If you have questions, please contact the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations at (504) 941-8120 or jcourv@lsuhsc.edu.

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